As First Baptist journeys into the future, we recognize the changing culture of music and worship.  We have intentionally chosen a music path to utilize the best of both traditional worship songs and hymns and the best of contemporary music.  We are a multi-generational church with a worship style that is intended to be multi-generational.  

Our hope is to offer something for everyone.

Music Ministry Volunteer Opportunities
Media & Sound Ministry

Media Ministry: This ministry coordinates the video and projection of announcements and other visuals that inform and assist in the congregation's worship experience.

Sound Ministry: The sound ministry is vital to our services as it balances the various voices of the Sanctuary Choir and our Praise team so they can be heard, as well as the musical instruments.

*If you want to serve in any of these areas, contact Bro. Butch Reviere or the church office. We are always appreciative of our volunteers!*